(480) 955-9550
8707 E. Vista Bonita Dr., Ste. 150
Scottsdale Az 85255
Hi, Thank you for the inquiry! We can help you with individual, couples , and family counseling.
You can call my office directly at 480-955-9550, to schedule a free consultation. Text the office phone or book an appointment online as well. I look forward to speaking with you.
I understand finding a counselor and going to counseling can be a bit scary. We are here to ease that process and help you get what you need.
Vanesa Art, M.S., LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
AZEFT Student Representative Chair
Relationship Specialist with advanced Emotionally Focused Therapy training
The Connected Living Institute
8707 E. Vista Bonita Dr., STE. 150
Scottsdale, Az 85255
Phone: 623-521-0976
Office: 480-955-9550
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